Solar water heater is a renewable energy system that uses sunlight to heat water for various domestic, commercial, or industrial applications. It typically consists of a series of rooftop collectors that receive solar energy and send it where it’s needed in the building.
Some of the advantages of installing a solar water heating system are:
Environmental benefits: Solar water heaters produce clean and renewable energy without emitting greenhouse gases or other pollutants.
Energy independence: Solar water heaters systems supply up to 80% of the hot water needed for a home, reducing dependence on utility companies.
Low maintenance: After installation, little maintenance is required, and a solar water heater can run for up to 20 years.
High efficiency: Heating up your water directly from the sun’s rays is much more efficient than converting sunlight into energy that is then used to warm up your home’s water. Why take two steps to heat up your water when you can do it in one step?
If you want to heat your home water supply with free solar energy and don't mind the upfront cost of installation, a solar hot water system might be right for you. The significant utility bill savings and environmental benefits of solar water heater make it a great option for many properties.